Use of Force

The use of force is a matter of critical concern, both to the public and the Sheriff’s Office. Every day, our deputies have numerous contacts with the public under a variety of conditions. Over 99.5% of those contacts do not result in force being used. However, there are occasions in which reasonable force must be used to accomplish a legitimate law enforcement purpose, including, but not limited to, protecting the public or the deputy from an immediate threat effecting an arrest, preventing the escape of a suspect, and preventing the destruction of evidence. Our policies and training make clear the expectation for deputies to treat every person with dignity and respect.

Although this dashboard is a factual presentation of information and makes no attempt whatsoever to justify or explain the legalities of each incident, it should be noted that many times deputies are often asked to make split second decisions under stressful circumstances. Reasonable force is judged based upon information known or perceived by the deputy
at the time of incident. Deputies must understand and have an appreciation for the great authority granted to them with respect to legally using force, tempered by the truest
respect for human life and well-being.

This Use of Force dashboard tallies the total number of documented contacts, total arrests, total use of force incidents, and the different types of force used. Use of force can be examined by specific time frames and jurisdictions. All officer involved shootings since 1965 are included.