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Tres detenidos por distribuir heroína en Los Ángeles y el condado de Ventura

Naturaleza del incidente: Arresto por narcóticos
Número de informe: 18-91612
Ubicación: Cities of Simi Valley, San Fernando, Arleta and Sylmar
Fecha y hora: 12/20/2018 @ 4:30 PM
Unidad(es) Responsable(s): Sheriff’s Office Special Investigations Unit/Narcotics
(S)ospechosos, (V)íctimas, (P)ertes, (D)efectividad Ciudad de residencia Edad
Isidro Marquez Luna

Brigido Marquez Luna

Ismael Azpeitia

San Fernando






On December 20, 2018, Detectives from the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office Special Investigations Unit/Narcotics concluded a narcotics sales investigation into an organized heroin distribution organization who was involved in the sales of heroin to residents of Ventura County.

During the investigation, detectives identified Isidro Marquez Luna of San Fernando, Brigido Marquez Luna of Arleta and Ismael Azpeitia of Sylmar as three subjects involved in a sophisticated heroin distribution network. All three worked collectively to transport and sell various quantities of heroin to customers in Ventura County.

On December 20, 2018, detectives contacted and arrested all three subjects at or near their residences. Detectives then served search warrants at their residences located in the 1800 Block of 8El Street in San Fernando, 9400 Block of Roslyndale Avenue in Arleta and 13000 Block of Glenoaks Boulevard in Sylmar. Detectives also searched a fourth residence associated to the investigation in the 1400 Block of 2Dakota del Norte Street in Simi Valley.

In all, detectives seized over two pounds of heroin or approximately 952 grams. Some of the heroin found was packaged for sale and ready for distribution. Detectives also seized money believed to be narcotics sales proceeds, as well as packaging and paraphernalia indicative of narcotic sales. Heroin has been linked to an increase in fatal and non-fatal overdoses in Ventura County. The heroin seized has an estimated street value of $57,000.00 to $76,000.00.

The Sheriff’s Office Special Investigations Unit/Narcotics includes detectives from the Oxnard

Police Department, Ventura Police Department and the Port Hueneme Police Department, who assisted in the investigation. The Special Investigations Unit is committed to aggressively target narcotics sales and help combat opiate overdoses in Ventura County.

Isidro, Brigido and Azpeitia were all booked at the East Valley Jail for various narcotics related offenses.

Preparado por: Sargento Detective Eduardo Malagón
Fecha de comunicado de prensa: 12/21/2018
Contacto de seguimiento de medios: Detective Corey Nicholas


Aprobado por: Capitán Robert Thomas